© Ron Veen and David Vlijmincx 2024
R. Veen, D. VlijmincxVirtual Threads, Structured Concurrency, and Scoped ValuesApress Pocket Guideshttps://doi.org/10.1007/979-8-8688-0500-4_4

4. Concurrency Patterns

Ron Veen1   and David Vlijmincx2
ENSCHEDE, The Netherlands
HELMOND, The Netherlands

Virtual threads are, as you have learned throughout this book, a completely different type of threads than we had before in Java. They come with their own benefits and drawbacks. In this chapter, we will show you a way to reason about these threads. We start off with reasoning about virtual threads as tasks. Later, we will show you how to use these threads in your own Spring and Quarkus applications. We finish this chapter by implementing some common algorithms ...

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