20VILT Delivery Preparation
John Steinbeck once said, “I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.”
I believe that teaching is an art form, as much as any other art form. Until recently I believed, like so many others, that this form of art was reserved only for the physical classroom, the one place where my talent for teaching and connecting with learners could be fully realized. I was wrong.
I've discovered that transforming virtual training into beautiful art is just learning to paint with a new brush on a different canvas. It forced me to elevate my craft and be better than I ever was in the physical classroom.
In Chapter 9, I wrote that good enough is not good enough in the virtual classroom. For the virtual learning experience to rival that of the classroom experience, your virtual delivery must be completely dialed in, from start to finish.
To deliver a legendary virtual learning experience, you must use every bit of your God-given talent, focus, awareness, and preparation to ensure that each element of your virtual training delivery is aligned. You must be prepared for anything and relentlessly driven to eliminate mediocrity in your delivery.
You are an artist. Therefore the way you deliver virtual training (your craft) is far more important than the curriculum and content you are delivering. ...
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