Book description
Providing programmers and developers of all skill levels with a comprehensive tutorial and reference to Visual Basic (VB) 2008, Microsoft MVP Rod Stephens presents a broad, solid understanding of essential topics on the latest version of VB. He explains the forms, controls, and other objects that VB furnishes for building applications in a modern windows environment. Plus, he examines the powerful development environment that makes VB such a productive language, and he delves into the VB language itself to show you how to use it to perform an array of important development tasks.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- Credits
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- 1. Introduction to the IDE
- 2. Menus, Toolbars, and Windows
- 3. Customization
- 4. Windows Form Designer
- 5. WPF Designer
- 6. Visual Basic Code Editor
- 7. Debugging
II. Getting Started
- 8. Selecting Windows Forms Controls
- 9. Using Windows Forms Controls
- 10. Windows Forms
11. Selecting WPF Controls
- 11.1. Controls Overview
- 11.2. Containing and Arranging Controls
- 11.3. Making Selections
- 11.4. Entering Data
- 11.5. Displaying Data
- 11.6. Providing Feedback
- 11.7. Initiating Action
- 11.8. Presenting Graphics and Media
- 11.9. Providing Navigation
- 11.10. Managing Documents
- 11.11. Digital Ink
- 11.12. Summary
- 12. Using WPF Controls
- 13. WPF Windows
14. Program and Module Structure
- 14.1. Hidden Files
- 14.2. Code File Structure
- 14.3. Typographic Code Elements
- 14.4. Summary
15. Data Types, Variables, and Constants
- 15.1. Data Types
- 15.2. Type Characters
- 15.3. Data Type Conversion
- 15.4. Variable Declarations
- 15.5. Option Explicit and Option Strict
- 15.6. Scope
- 15.7. Parameter Declarations
- 15.8. Property Procedures
- 15.9. Enumerated Data Types
- 15.10. Anonymous Types
- 15.11. Nullable Types
- 15.12. Constants
- 15.13. Delegates
- 15.14. Naming Conventions
- 15.15. Summary
16. Operators
- 16.1. Arithmetic Operators
- 16.2. Concatenation Operators
- 16.3. Comparison Operators
- 16.4. Logical Operators
- 16.5. Bitwise Operators
- 16.6. Operator Precedence
- 16.7. Assignment Operators
- 16.8. The StringBuilder Class
- 16.9. Date and TimeSpan Operations
- 16.10. Operator Overloading
- 16.11. Operators with Nullable Types
- 16.12. Summary
17. Subroutines and Functions
- 17.1. Subroutines
- 17.2. Functions
- 17.3. Property Procedures
- 17.4. Extension Methods
- 17.5. Lambda Functions
- 17.6. Relaxed Delegates
- 17.7. Partial Methods
- 17.8. Summary
- 18. Program Control Statements
- 19. Error Handling
20. Database Controls and Objects
- 20.1. Automatically Connecting to Data
- 20.2. Automatically Created Objects
- 20.3. Other Data Objects
- 20.4. Data Overview
- 20.5. Connection Objects
- 20.6. Transaction Objects
- 20.7. Data Adapters
- 20.8. Command Objects
- 20.9. DataView
- 20.10. DataRowView
- 20.11. Simple Data Binding
- 20.12. CurrencyManager
- 20.13. Complex Data Binding
- 20.14. Summary
- 21. LINQ
- 22. Custom Controls
- 23. Drag and Drop, and the Clipboard
- 24. UAC Security
III. Object-Oriented Programming
- 25. OOP Concepts
- 26. Classes and Structures
- 27. Namespaces
- 28. Collection Classes
- 29. Generics
IV. Graphics
30. Drawing Basics
- 30.1. Drawing Overview
- 30.2. Drawing Namespaces
- 30.3. Graphics
- 30.4. Drawing Events
- 30.5. Summary
- 31. Brushes, Pens, and Paths
- 32. Text
- 33. Image Processing
- 34. Printing
- 35. Reporting
30. Drawing Basics
V. Interacting with the Environment
- 36. Configuration and Resources
- 37. Streams
- 38. File-System Objects
- 39. Windows Communication Foundation
- 40. Useful Namespaces
- VI. Appendices
- A. Useful Control Properties, Methods, and Events
B. Variable Declarations and Data Types
- B.1. Variable Declarations
- B.2. Initialization Expressions
- B.3. With
- B.4. Using
- B.5. Enumerated Type Declarations
- B.6. XML Variables
- B.7. Option Explicit and Option Strict
- B.8. Option Infer
- B.9. Data Types
- B.10. Data Type Characters
- B.11. Literal Type Characters
- B.12. Data Type Conversion Functions
- B.13. CType and DirectCast
- C. Operators
- D. Subroutine and Function Declarations
- E. Control Statements
- F. Error Handling
G. Windows Forms Controls and Components
- G.1. Components' Purposes
- G.2. Pointer
- G.3. BackgroundWorker
- G.4. BindingNavigator
- G.5. BindingSource
- G.6. Button
- G.7. CheckBox
- G.8. CheckedListBox
- G.9. ColorDialog
- G.10. ComboBox
- G.11. ContextMenuStrip
- G.12. DataGridView
- G.13. DataSet
- G.14. DateTimePicker
- G.15. DirectoryEntry
- G.16. DirectorySearcher
- G.17. DomainUpDown
- G.18. ErrorProvider
- G.19. EventLog
- G.20. FileSystemWatcher
- G.21. FlowLayoutPanel
- G.22. FolderBrowserDialog
- G.23. FontDialog
- G.24. GroupBox
- G.25. HelpProvider
- G.26. HScrollBar
- G.27. ImageList
- G.28. Label
- G.29. LinkLabel
- G.30. ListBox
- G.31. ListView
- G.32. MaskedTextBox
- G.33. MenuStrip
- G.34. MessageQueue
- G.35. MonthCalendar
- G.36. NotifyIcon
- G.37. NumericUpDown
- G.38. OpenFileDialog
- G.39. PageSetupDialog
- G.40. Panel
- G.41. PerformanceCounter
- G.42. PictureBox
- G.43. PrintDialog
- G.44. PrintDocument
- G.45. PrintPreviewControl
- G.46. PrintPreviewDialog
- G.47. Process
- G.48. ProgressBar
- G.49. PropertyGrid
- G.50. RadioButton
- G.51. ReportViewer
- G.52. RichTextBox
- G.53. SaveFileDialog
- G.54. SerialPort
- G.55. ServiceController
- G.56. SplitContainer
- G.57. Splitter
- G.58. StatusStrip
- G.59. TabControl
- G.60. TableLayoutPanel
- G.61. TextBox
- G.62. Timer
- G.63. ToolStrip
- G.64. ToolStripContainer
- G.65. ToolTip
- G.66. TrackBar
- G.67. TreeView
- G.68. VScrollBar
- G.69. WebBrowser
- H. WPF Controls
- I. Visual Basic Power Packs
- J. Form Objects
- K. Classes and Structures
- M. Generics
- N. Graphics
- O. Useful Exception Classes
- P. Date and Time Format Specifiers
- Q. Other Format Specifiers
- R. The Application Class
- S. The My Namespace
- T. Streams
- U. File-System Classes
- V. Index of Examples
Product information
- Title: Visual Basic® 2008 Programmer's Reference
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2008
- Publisher(s): Wrox
- ISBN: 9780470182628
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