Appendix A

Useful Control Properties, Methods, and Events

A control interacts with a program or user through properties, methods, and events. Although each type of control provides different features, they are all derived from the Control class. This class provides many useful properties, methods, and events that other controls inherit if those other controls don’t take special action to override them. The following sections describe some of the most useful of these inherited features.

You can learn more about the Control class at


The following table lists properties implemented by the Control class. All controls that inherit from this class inherit these properties unless those other controls override the Control class’s behavior.

BackColor The control’s background color.
BackgroundImage The control’s background image.
BackgroundImageLayout Determines how the control’s background image is used to fill the control. This can be Center, None, Stretch, Tile, or Zoom.
Bottom The distance between the top edge of the control’s container and the bottom edge of the control in pixels. This is read-only. Modify the Top and Height properties to change this value.
Bounds Determines the control’s size and location, including nonclient areas.
Capture Determines whether the control has captured the mouse.
CausesValidation Determines whether the control makes other ...

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