Chapter 13. Multiple Meetings & Gallery Walks: Making Sense of Things over Space & Time

Almost anything an organization does takes more than one meeting, and large gatherings are usually combinations of large and small group meetings. Somehow all this needs to come together and make sense. This is true in a sales situation, with multiple client meetings. It is true in a training design process, a planning process, a product development process, and any kind of learning and development process. In fact, I can think of very few things that ever happen in just one meeting.


Each office in DLR Group, a large architecture & engineering firm, held meetings to look at their current environment, current situation, and visions. In a meeting to get alignment, the charts from the offices created a gallery that principals in the firm studied to find themes and patterns

Multiple Meetings & Gallery Walks: Making Sense of Things over Space & Time

This chapter is all about how you get people to see what is going on across the multiple meetings and scale of large conferences. In many ways, this is one of the strongest aspects of visual meetings, for without the practices I will be describing here, a large amount of what gets discussed and talked about gets forgotten, and that translates directly into waste and inefficiency. We'll start looking at how to orchestrate multiple face-to-face meetings. The following chapters will look at how you can digitally reproduce ...

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