CPU counters at the ESXi level

The counters at the ESXi level are naturally similar to the ones at the VM level, as the hypervisor is also an OS. The key difference is that there are counters that are not applicable to ESXi hosts, such as Entitlement, Max Limited, and System.

The values at the hypervisor level reflect the aggregate value of all VMs in the host plus the hypervisor's own workload. The hypervisor generates its own workload, for example, vMotion, cloning, and other tasks. Kernel modules such as Virtual SAN and NSX also take up CPU resources.

Unlike VMs, which have 17 counters for CPU, ESXi comes with 15 counters for CPU. Also, unlike VMs, which provide 11 counters at the CPU core level, ESXi only provides five counters at the CPU core ...

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