Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Academy aperture 48, 190191

Action continuity of 68 cuts, matched 89, 9192 cutting on 7072 multiple lines of 7879 overlapping 7172 parallel 8692

Actors auditions 153156 casting for type 152 as creative collaborators 157158 extras 161162 finding 151153 getting into character 365 minors 156157 nonactors 152, 160161 in previsualization 113 process of working with 376 rehearsals 158159 in run-throughs 377 on the set 375377 setup and 376377 takes and 377 in tech rehearsals 376 trained 159160 unions 157 working with 157162

Added value sound 487

ADR (automatic dialogue replacement) 475

Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) ...

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