
To begin this analysis, Table C-1 is an extraction of several tables in the V.34 Recommendation. (We will be using the 2400 and 3200 symbol rates, and high-carrier throughout this discussion).

The symbol rate is S = (a/c) × 2400 ± 0.01% two-dimensional (2D) symbols per second. Therefore, using Table C-1, the symbol rate of 3200 is derived by (4/3) × 2400 = 3200.

The carrier frequency is C = (d/e) × S. Therefore, using Table C-1 once again, a carrier frequency of 1800 is derived by (3/4) × 2400 = 1800. A carrier frequency of 1920 is derived by (3/5) × 3200 = 1920.

Table C-1. Symbol rates and carrier frequencies
    ----High Carrier---- Framing Parameter
Symbol Rate,SacFrequencydeJP
(Note: Partial examples, see ...

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