List of Abbreviations
1×RTT | Single carrier radio transmission technology |
3GPP | Third generation partnership project |
3GPP2 | Third generation partnership project 2 |
AAA | Authentication, authorization and accounting |
AAL | ATM adaptation layer |
AAR | AA request |
ACA | Accounting answer |
ACK | Acknowledgement |
ACR | Accounting request |
AGCF | Access gateway control function |
A-GNSS | Assisted global navigation satellite system |
AGW | Access gateway |
AKA | Authentication and key agreement |
ALG | Application level gateway |
AMR | Adaptive multi-rate |
AMR-WB | Adaptive multi-rate wideband |
AOC | Advice of charge |
AP | Authentication proxy |
APN | Access point name |
APN-AMBR | Access point name–aggregate maximum bit rate |
ARP | Allocation and retention priority |
AS | Application server |
ASA | Abort session answer |
ASR | Abort session request |
ATCF | Access transfer control function |
ATGW | Access transfer gateway |
ATM | Asynchronous transfer mode |
AUC | Authentication centre |
AUID | Application usage identification |
AUTN | Authentication token |
AVC | Advanced video coding |
AVP | Attribute value pair; audio visual profile |
AVPF | Audio visual profile with feedback |
B2BUA | Back to back user agent |
BGCF | Breakout gateway control function |
BICC | Bearer independent call control |
BS | Billing system |
BSC | Base station controller |
BSS | Base station system |
BTS | Base transceiver station |
CAT | Customized alerting tone |
CB | Communication barring |
CCBS | Completion of communications to busy subscriber |
CCF | Charging collection ... |