
Works Cited

[biblio01div01entry01] K. Abbott, <year>2002</year>. Voice enabling Web applications: VoiceXML and beyond. Berkeley, CA: Apress.

[biblio01div01entry02] J. Allen, <year>1995</year>. Natural language understanding. Redwood City, CA: Benjamin Cummings.

[biblio01div01entry03] C. Baber, <year>1997</year>. Beyond the Desktop. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

[biblio01div01entry04] C. J. Bailey, <year>1999</year>. “You and your English grammar.” In M.Celce-Murcia and D.Larsen-Freeman, eds., The grammar book. 2nd edition. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

[biblio01div01entry05] B. Balentine, <year>1999</year>. Re-engineering the speech menu: A “Device” approach to interactive list-selection. In D.Gardner-Bonneau, ed., Human factors ...

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