Converting Alexa intents to Dialogflow intents

Alexa and Dialogflow take a similar approach to creating the intents. The intents will contain slots or entities in order to create a templatized conversation, so that multiple variations of user utterances will by captured. In Alexa, the intent contains various utterances, which are called training phrases in Dialogflow.

  1. Open Firefox or Chrome.
  2. Go to and log in to the Dialogflow.
  3. If HenrysKitchen is not selected, click the down arrow in the top-left corner, and you should see the HenrysKitchen agent.
  4. In the left menu, click on the plus (+) next to Intents to add new intent.
  5. Enter GetCookingIntent as the intent name.
  1. In the training phrases section, enter I want ...

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