to hang, so we don't recommend using it unless you are using Motif 1.2.
You may have noticed that the PopupMenu shown in the figure has accelerators associated with it. These accelerators
only take effect if the input focus is in the widget that contains the menu.
The only time you should ever add an event handler to pop up a menu is when you are using a PopupMenu. You
should not attach PulldownMenus or OptionMenus to arbitrary Motif widgets. It is also inappropriate to use a
PopupMenu on a CascadeButton, since it already has a menu associated with it.
16.4.4 Building Option Menus
In this final section on generalized menu creation methods, we examine how to create OptionMenus using the
BuildMenu() function. In this case, the underlying function is XmCreateOptionMenu(), which is another
convenience routine provided by the Motif toolkit. The routine creates a RowColumn widget that manages the Label
and CascadeButton widgets that define the OptionMenu, but we must create the actual PulldownMenu ourselves. The
final version of the BuildMenu() function is shown in the source code
/* build_option.c −− The final version of BuildMenu() is used to
* build popup, option, pulldown −and− pullright menus. Menus are
* defined by declaring an array of MenuItem structures as usual.
#include <Xm/MainW.h>
#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
#include <Xm/PanedW.h>
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
#include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
#include <Xm/CascadeBG.h>
#include <Xm/ToggleB.h>
#include <Xm/ToggleBG.h>
#include <Xm/PushB.h>
#include <Xm/PushBG.h>
typedef struct _menu_item {
char *label; /* the label for the item */
WidgetClass *class; /* pushbutton, label, separator... */
char mnemonic; /* mnemonic; NULL if none */
char *accelerator; /* accelerator; NULL if none */
char *accel_text; /* to be converted to compound string */
void (*callback)(); /* routine to call; NULL if none */
XtPointer callback_data; /* client_data for callback() */
struct _menu_item *subitems; /* pullright menu items, if not NULL */
} MenuItem;
/* Build popup, option and pulldown menus, depending on the menu_type.
* return the CascadeButton that pops up the menu. Popups return the menu.
* Option menus are created, but the RowColumn that acts as the option
* "area" is returned unmanaged. (The user must manage it.)
* Pulldown menus are built from cascade buttons, so this function
* also builds pullright menus. The function also adds the right
* callback for PushButton or ToggleButton menu items.
BuildMenu(parent, menu_type, menu_title, menu_mnemonic, tear_off, items)
Widget parent;
int menu_type;
16 Menus 16.4.4 Building Option Menus
char *menu_title, menu_mnemonic;
Boolean tear_off;
MenuItem *items;
Widget menu, cascade, widget;
int i;
XmString str;
if (menu_type == XmMENU_PULLDOWN || menu_type == XmMENU_OPTION)
menu = XmCreatePulldownMenu (parent, "_pulldown", NULL, 0);
else if (menu_type == XmMENU_POPUP)
menu = XmCreatePopupMenu (parent, "_popup", NULL, 0);
else {
XtWarning ("Invalid menu type passed to BuildMenu()");
return NULL;
if (tear_off)
XtVaSetValues (menu, XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED, NULL);
/* Pulldown menus require a cascade button to be made */
if (menu_type == XmMENU_PULLDOWN) {
str = XmStringCreateLocalized (menu_title);
cascade = XtVaCreateManagedWidget (menu_title,
xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass, parent,
XmNsubMenuId, menu,
XmNlabelString, str,
XmNmnemonic, menu_mnemonic,
XmStringFree (str);
else if (menu_type == XmMENU_OPTION) {
/* Option menus are a special case, but not hard to handle */
Arg args[5];
int n = 0;
str = XmStringCreateLocalized (menu_title);
XtSetArg (args[n], XmNsubMenuId, menu); n++;
XtSetArg (args[n], XmNlabelString, str); n++;
/* This really isn't a cascade, but this is the widget handle
* we're going to return at the end of the function.
cascade = XmCreateOptionMenu (parent, menu_title, args, n);
XmStringFree (str);
/* Now add the menu items */
for (i = 0; items[i].label != NULL; i++) {
/* If subitems exist, create the pull−right menu by calling this
* function recursively. Since the function returns a cascade
* button, the widget returned is used..
if (items[i].subitems)
if (menu_type == XmMENU_OPTION) {
XtWarning ("You can't have submenus from option menu items.");
widget = BuildMenu (menu, XmMENU_PULLDOWN, items[i].label,
items[i].mnemonic, tear_off, items[i].subitems);
widget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget (items[i].label,
*items[i].class, menu,
16 Menus 16.4.4 Building Option Menus
/* Whether the item is a real item or a cascade button with a
* menu, it can still have a mnemonic.
if (items[i].mnemonic)
XtVaSetValues (widget, XmNmnemonic, items[i].mnemonic, NULL);
/* any item can have an accelerator, except cascade menus. But,
* we don't worry about that; we know better in our declarations.
if (items[i].accelerator) {
str = XmStringCreateLocalized (items[i].accel_text);
XtVaSetValues (widget,
XmNaccelerator, items[i].accelerator,
XmNacceleratorText, str,
XmStringFree (str);
if (items[i].callback)
XtAddCallback (widget,
(items[i].class == &xmToggleButtonWidgetClass ||
items[i].class == &xmToggleButtonGadgetClass) ?
XmNvalueChangedCallback : /* ToggleButton class */
XmNactivateCallback, /* PushButton class */
items[i].callback, items[i].callback_data);
/* for popup menus, just return the menu; pulldown menus, return
* the cascade button; option menus, return the thing returned
* from XmCreateOptionMenu(). This isn't a menu, or a cascade button!
return menu_type == XmMENU_POPUP ? menu : cascade;
MenuItem drawing_shapes[] = {
{ "Lines", &xmPushButtonGadgetClass, 'L', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL },
{ "Circles", &xmPushButtonGadgetClass, 'C', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL },
{ "Squares", &xmPushButtonGadgetClass, 'S', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL },
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
Widget toplevel, main_w, pane, sw, drawing_a, menu, option_menu;
void input();
XtAppContext app;
XtWidgetGeometry geom;
XtSetLanguageProc (NULL, NULL, NULL);
toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize (&app, "Demos", NULL, 0,
&argc, argv, NULL, NULL);
main_w = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("main_w",
xmMainWindowWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL);
/* Use a PanedWindow widget as the work area of the main window */
16 Menus 16.4.4 Building Option Menus
pane = XtVaCreateWidget ("pane", xmPanedWindowWidgetClass, main_w, NULL);
/* create the option menu −− don't forget to manage it. */
option_menu = BuildMenu (pane, XmMENU_OPTION, "Shapes",
'S', True, drawing_shapes);
XtManageChild (option_menu);
/* Set the OptionMenu so that it can't be resized */
geom.request_mode = CWHeight;
XtQueryGeometry (option_menu, NULL, &geom);
XtVaSetValues (option_menu,
XmNpaneMinimum, geom.height,
XmNpaneMaximum, geom.height,
/* The scrolled window (which contains the drawing area) is a child
* of the PanedWindow; its sibling, the option menu, cannot be resized,
* so if the user resizes the toplevel shell, *this* window will resize.
sw = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("sw",
xmScrolledWindowWidgetClass, pane,
XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAUTOMATIC,
/* Create a DrawingArea −− no actual drawing will be done. */
drawing_a = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("drawing_a",
xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, sw,
XmNwidth, 500,
XmNheight, 500,
XtManageChild (pane);
XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
XtAppMainLoop (app);
There are two particularly interesting features of this program. First, of course, is the modification of the
BuildMenu() function. As the comments in the code indicate, the function now fully supports all of the Motif menu
types. We use XmCreatePulldownMenu() to create the menu pane that is posted from the CascadeButton of the
OptionMenu. This menu pane is attached to the OptionMenu by setting the XmNsubMenuId as usual. As we loop
through the menu items that are to be placed in the menu, we prevent the creation of a pullright menu in an
OptionMenu, as cascading menus are not allowed in OptionMenus.
When BuildMenu() is used to create an OptionMenu, the function returns the RowColumn widget that is returned
by XmCreateOptionMenu(), even though it is not really a CascadeButton as the variable name might indicate.
The calling function needs the RowColumn widget so that it can manage the OptionMenu by calling
XtManageChild(). (The call to XtManageChild() might be another automated part of BuildMenu() if you
want to modify it.)
The other interesting feature of the program is the layout of the MainWindow. The MainWindow widget has a single
PanedWindow widget as its child because we wish to retain the vertical stacking relationship between the
OptionMenu and the DrawingArea. Another advantage of using the PanedWindow is that we can set the maximum
and minimum height of each pane. The user can resize the entire window using the window manager, but we don't
want the OptionMenu to change size, so we allow the ScrolledWindow to absorb the size fluctuations.
16 Menus 16.4.4 Building Option Menus

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