window menu and to control what happens when the user closes the window from the window menu. Chapter 16,
Interacting With the Window Manager, discusses window manager interactions in more detail. You can think of
dialog boxes as an application's secondary windows. Since dialogs are not meant to remain on the screen for very
long, they do not need all of the decorations that are typically provided by the window manager. However, dialogs are
not completely independent like menus, so they do need to be controlled by the window manager. For example, if an
application is iconified, its dialog boxes are typically iconified as well. Dialog boxes are usually implemented in Xt
using TransientShells.
The DialogShell is a Motif−defined widget class subclassed from the TransientShell and VendorShell classes. Motif
functions for creating dialog boxes tend to hide the shell widget side of the dialog. When you make a call like
XmCreateMessageDialog(), you are actually creating a MessageBox widget as a child of a DialogShell widget.
See Chapter 5, Introduction to Dialogs, for details on Motif dialogs. When you initialize the X Toolkit with a call
such as XtAppInitialize(), you are automatically returned an ApplicationShell widget to use as the top−level
widget in your application. If an application uses additional top−level windows, they are typically TopLevelShells.
The differences between these two classes are subtle and deal mostly with how resources are specified in a resource
file. In Chapter 7, Custom Dialogs, we explore some ways in which TopLevelShells can be used as primary windows
apart from the main window.
4.4.4 Dialogs
Some applications can get all their work done in one main window. Others may require multiple windows, so Motif
allows an application to have multiple top−level windows. However, even applications without this level of
complexity need to display transient windows called dialog boxes. Motif provides two main types of dialog boxes:
message dialogs and selection dialogs. Message dialogs are designed to allow an application to communicate with the
user, while selection dialogs prompt the user to enter different types of information. It is also possible to create custom
dialogs for specialized application functionality. Message dialogs simply communicate some kind of message to the
user and include buttons that allow the user to respond to the message. For example, a menu item to delete a file might
issue a dialog with the message, "Are you sure?" with PushButtons labeled Yes, No, and Cancel.
The Motif MessageBox widget that is used to create message dialogs actually comes in seven different guises. The
different styles are meant to be used for different types of messages; some of the styles also display a symbol defined
by the Motif Style Guide. Motif provides convenience routines for creating all of the different styles, so they are often
referred to as if they are distinct widget classes.
The ErrorDialog shows a "do not enter" symbol along with a message that the user has made an error. For
example, she may have pressed a PushButton at the wrong time, made an invalid selection in a List widget, or
entered an unknown filename for a Text widget.
The InformationDialog displays an "i" along with an informational message. These dialogs are usually
displayed in response to a request for help.
The MessageDialog does not display a symbol by default, although a symbol can be specified using the
XmNsymbolPixmap resource. These dialogs can be used to display any kind of message.
The QuestionDialog shows a question mark symbol with a question that the user needs to answer. Questions
are typically of the yes/no form, so the possible answers typically include Yes and No. A QuestionDialog
4 Overview of the Motif Toolkit 4.4.4 Dialogs
should not be used for a question that requires an answer in the form of text or a selection from a list of some
Motif 1.2 provides a TemplateDialog to allow an application to create a custom dialog. By default, the
TemplateDialog does not display a symbol or a message, but these items can be added to the dialog.
The WarningDialog displays an exclamation mark along with a message that warns the user about a particular
situation. These dialogs are commonly used to make sure that the user wants to do something destructive, like
delete a file or exit an application without saving data.
The WorkingDialog displays an hourglass with a message indicating that the application is busy processing a
lengthy computation or anything else that requires the user to wait.
the figure shows a typical QuestionDialog in an application. For more information on message dialogs, see
Chapter 5, Introduction to Dialogs.
A QuestionDialog
Selection dialogs are meant to provide the user with a list of choices of some sort. Motif -provides different
styles of selection dialogs for different purposes. For example, a SelectionDialog presents a ScrolledList
containing an arbitrary list of choices that can be selected with the mouse. The dialog also contains a
TextField widget that can be used to type in a choice which may or may not also be on the list. the figure
shows a SelectionDialog.
The PromptDialog, as shown in the figure, is useful for prompting the user to enter some information.
4 Overview of the Motif Toolkit 4.4.4 Dialogs
A SelectionDialog
A PromptDialog
The FileSelectionDialog is a more complex cousin to the SelectionDialog. It is used to select a file in the
directory structure. A FileSelectionDialog is shown in the figure.
4 Overview of the Motif Toolkit 4.4.4 Dialogs
A FileSelectionDialog
The CommandDialog is an extension of the PromptDialog in that items input to the text entry field are stored
in a ScrolledList. The intent is for the user to provide the application with commands; the list region contains
a history of the commands that have already been typed. The user can select an item in the history list to
reissue a previous command. the figure shows an example of a CommandDialog.
A CommandDialog
For detailed information about all of the different Motif selection dialogs, see Chapter 6, Selection Dialogs.
There are many types of functionality that are not covered by the standard Motif dialog types. Fortunately, it
4 Overview of the Motif Toolkit 4.4.4 Dialogs
is fairly easy to create your own dialogs. If you need to create a custom dialog, there are some guidelines in
the Motif Style Guide that you should follow. At the highest level, all dialogs are broken down into two major
components: the control area (or work area) and the action area. These areas are conceptual regions that may
be represented by multiple widgets.
In a message dialog, the control area is used only to display messages, but as you can see from the selection
dialogs, this area can be used to provide a variety of control elements. For example, the SelectionDialog uses
a List widget and a TextField widget. It is also common for a custom dialog to display an array of
PushButtons or ToggleButtons. A communications program might have a setup dialog that allows the user to
set parameters such as baud rate, parity, start and stop bits, and so on, using an array of ToggleButtons. The
controls in the control area provide information that is used by the application once an action area button is
the figure shows a custom dialog with a control area that contains many items. Chapter 7, Custom Dialogs,
discusses how to build customized dialogs, which may require the direct creation of widgets in the control
area. Motif dialogs, on the other hand, do not require you to create any of the objects in the control area. The
widgets displayed in that part of the dialog are always predefined and automatically created. One important
concept to be aware of when it comes to dialogs is modality. In general, GUI−based programs are expected to
be modeless. What this ultimately means is that the user, not the application, should be in control. The user
should be able to choose from an array of application functions at any time, rather than stepping through them
in a prearranged sequence, under the application's control.
Of course, there are limits to modelessness. Sometimes one thing has to happen before another. Often,
sequencing can be taken care of simply by nesting graphical user interface elements. For example, faced with
the main window, the user may have only a choice of menu titles; once she pulls down the file menu, she may
have a choice of opening, closing, saving, renaming, or printing the contents of a file. At some point, though,
she goes far enough down a particular path that her choices need to be constrained.
With respect to dialogs, modality allows a dialog box to require and before the user can go back to working
with the application. For example, if the user asks to load a file, she may need to specify a filename in a dialog
before she can edit the file. A modal dialog requires an answer immediately, by disallowing input to any other
part of the application until it is either satisfied or cancelled. There may be other cases, though, where dialogs
are modeless. They can be left up on the screen without an immediate response, while the user interacts with
the main application window or another dialog.
4 Overview of the Motif Toolkit 4.4.4 Dialogs
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