dialog = XmCreateInformationDialog (parent, "message", args, 1);
XmStringFree (text);
XtSetSensitive (
XmMessageBoxGetChild (dialog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON), False);
XtUnmanageChild (
XmMessageBoxGetChild (dialog, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON));
The output of a program using this code fragment is shown in the figure.
MessageDialog with an unmanaged Cancel button and an insensitive Help button
Since the message in this dialog is so simple, it does not make sense to have both an OK and a Cancel button, so we
unmanage the latter. On the other hand, it does make sense to have a Help button. However, there is currently no help
available, so we make the button unselectable by desensitizing it using XtSetSensitive().
6.7 Dialog Modality
The concept of forcing the user to respond to a dialog is known as modality. Modality governs whether or not the user
can interact with other windows on the desktop while a particular dialog is active. Dialogs are either modal or
modeless. There are three levels of modality: primary application modal, full application modal, and system modal. In
all cases, the user must interact with a modal dialog before control is released and normal input is re-sumed. In a
system modal dialog, the user is prevented from interacting with any other window on the display. Full application
modal dialogs allow the user to interact with any window on the desktop except those that are part of the same
application as the modal window. Primary application modal dialogs allow the user to interact with any other window
on the display except for the window that is acting as the parent for this particular dialog.
For example, if the user selected an action that caused an error dialog to be displayed, the dialog could be primary
application modal, so that the user would have to acknowledge the error before she interacts with the same window
again. This type of modality does not restrict her ability to interact with another window in the same application,
provided that the other window is not the one acting as the parent for the modal dialog.
Modal dialogs are perhaps the most frequently misused feature of a graphical user interface. Programmers who fail to
grasp the concept of event−driven programming and design, whereby the user is in control, often fall into the
convenient escape route that modal dialogs provide. This problem is difficult to detect, let alone cure, because there
are just as many right ways to invoke modal dialogs as there are wrong ways. Modality should be used in moderation,
but it should also be used consistently. Let's examine a common scenario. Note that this example does not necessarily
favor using modal dialogs; it is presented as a reference point for the types of things that people are used to doing in
tty−based programs.
6 Introduction to Dialogs 6.7 Dialog Modality
A text editor has a function that allows the user to save its text to a file. In order to save the text, the program needs a
filename. Once it has a filename, the program needs to check that the user has sufficient permission to open or create
the file and it also needs to see if there is already some text in the file. If an error condition occurs, the program needs
to notify the user of the error, ask for a new filename, or get permission to overwrite the file's contents. Whatever the
case, some interaction with the user is necessary in order to proceed. If this were a typical terminal−based application,
the program flow would be similar to that in the following code fragment:
FILE *fp;
char buf[BUFSIZ], file[BUFSIZ];
extern char *index();
printf ("What file would you like to use? ");
if (!(fgets (file, sizeof file, stdin)) || file[0] == 0) {
puts ("Cancelled.");
*(index (file, '0)) = 0; /* get rid of newline terminator */
/* "a+" creates file if it doesn't exist */
if (!(fp = fopen (file, "a+"))) {
perror (file);
if (ftell (fp) > 0) { /* There's junk in the file already */
printf ("Overwrite contents of %s? ", file);
buf[0] = 0;
if (!(fgets (buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) || buf[0] == 0 ||
buf[0] == 'n' || buf[0] == 'N') {
puts ("Cancelled.");
fclose (fp);
rewind (fp);
This style of program flow is still possible with a graphical user interface system using modal dialogs. In fact, the
style is frequently used by engineers who are trying to port tty−based applications to Motif. It is also a logical
approach to programming, since it does one task followed by another, asking only for information that it needs when it
needs it.
However, in an event−driven environment, where the user can interact with many different parts of the program
simultaneously, displaying a series of modal dialogs is not the best way to handle input and frequently it's just plain
wrong as a design approach. You must adopt a new paradigm in interface design that conforms to the capabilities of
the window system and meets the expectations of the user. It is essential that you understand the event−driven model
if you want to create well−written, easy−to−use applications.
Window−based applications should be modeled on the behavior of a person filling out a form, such as an employment
application or a medical questionnaire. Under this scenario, you are given a form asking various questions. You take it
to your seat and fill it out however you choose. If it asks for your license number, you can get out your driver's license
and copy down the number. If it asks for your checking account number, you can examine your checkbook for that
information. The order in which you fill out the application is entirely up to you. You are free to examine the entire
form and fill out whatever portions you like, in whatever order you like.
6 Introduction to Dialogs 6.7 Dialog Modality
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