18-3 Selection requestor class hierarchy 399
18-4 Selection item class hierarchy 413
19-1 Dragging a file onto an application 433
19-2 Loading a file by dropping 434
19-3 DRAGDROP class hierarchy 435
19-4 DROP_SITE_ITEM class hierarchy 435
20-1 Output of animate.c 471
20-2 Flow of control in interposition 488
21-1 CMS package class hierarchy 513
22-1 OPEN LOOK localization menu 539
23-1 A sample Help window 557
25-1 Calling order for init, set, get, destroy, and find 581
25-2 The bits in an attribute 582
25-3 Output of logo.c 604
A-1 Byte stream after selection_ask() returns the current text selection 641
A-2 How selection_query() is used 647
B-1 Output of simple_notice.c while the notice is up 657
D-1 File chooser Save dialog 678
D-2 File chooser Open dialog 680
3-1 The quit.c program 44
3-2 xv_create() creates XView objects 47
4-1 The simple_frame.c program 62
4-2 Creating a base frame after calling xv_init() 62
4-3 Setting separate values for a frame header 65
4-4 Creating a footer 65
4-5 Creating a subframe 68
4-6 Using several frame attributes 70
4-7 The subframe.c program 72
4-8 Changing a frame’s color 75
5-1 The line.c program 96
5-2 Repainting objects within a damaged region 97
5-3 The canvas_event.c program 107
6-1 The canvas_input.c program 133
7-1 The quit.c program 155
7-2 The btn_menu.c program 168
7-3 The list_glyphs.c program 179
7-4 The message_item.c program 185
7-5 The multiline.c program 194
7-6 The client_data.c program 200
7-7 The panel_repaint.c program 202
8-1 Client notify procedure for a text subwindow 233
9-1 The sample_tty.c program 242
9-2 The textsw_to_ttysw.c program 244
9-3 The ttycurses.c program 247
10-1 The scroll_cells.c program 259
10-2 The scrollto.c program 264
10-3 Scrollbar compute scroll procedure example 267
10-4 Scrollbar normalize procedure example 269
11-1 The simple_menu.c program 280
11-2 How to create a menu containing a pushpin 292
11-3 The xv_menu.c program 294
11-4 Creating individual menu items 299
11-5 The menu_dir.c program 300
12-1 The simple_notice.c program 310
12-2 Creating a standard notice 314
12-3 A notice using a callback 315
12-4 Creating a screen-locking notice 317
12-5 The trigger_notice.c program 318
12-6 The notice.c program 320
13-1 The simple_cursor.c program 328
13-2 The hot_spot.c program 331
13-3 Using drag and drop text cursors 334
14-1 The icon_demo.c program 340
14-2 Color cursors 342
14-3 Redefining an icon’s size to include its label 344
15-1 Getting a pointer for a particular frame object (screen.c) 351
15-2 Display a base frame on two screens 352
15-3 The svrimage.c program 358
15-4 The fullscreen.c program 360
16-1 The simple_font.c program 369
17-1 The default_text.c program 384
17-2 The default_size.c program 388
18-1 Requesting the CLIPBOARD selection--blocking 401
18-2 Non-blocking selection request 402
18-3 Selection owner program 405
18-4 Sample reply procedure - SelectionReplyProc 407
18-5 Sample selection reply error handler 409
18-6 Sample done procedure - SelectionDoneProc 411
18-7 An incremental conversion procedure 415
18-8 Incremental reply - IncrReply.c 416
18-9 Sample program - sel_hold.c 419
18-10 The notify procedure - NotifyProc() 421
18-11 Sample conversion procedure - SelectionConvertProc 422
18-12 Sample selection requestor program - sel_req.c 424
18-13 Sample requestor notify procedure 426
18-14 Sample make request notify procedure 427
18-15 Selection reply procedure 427
18-16 Sample error procedure - SelectionError.c 429
19-1 Sourcing a drag 444
19-2 A drop-site item example 450
20-1 The animate.c program 468
20-2 Demonstrating a wait3 handler 472
20-3 The notify_input.c program 481
20-4 The ntfy_pipe.c program 483
20-5 Transferring control through the Notifier 492
20-6 The interpose.c program 495
20-7 The ntfy_do_dis.c program 500
20-8 Emulating a sleep 502
21-1 The color_logo.c program 521
21-2 The color_panel.c program 525
21-3 The color_objs.c program 529
22-1 Using XV_INSTANCE_NAME 551
24-1 Example error parsing function 573
25-1 The logo.c program 603
25-2 The bitmap.c program 609
25-3 The image.c program 619
A-1 The simple_seln.c program 639
A-2 The text_seln.c program 642
A-3 The long_seln.c program 647
B-1 The simple_notice.c program 656
B-2 The trigger_notice.c program 659
B-3 The notice.c program 661
D-1 Portion of file_chooser.c program 680
D-2 An extention item program 689
D-3 Program that adds values to a panel list 691
F-1 The item_move.c program 713
F-2 The scroll_cells2.c program 719
F-3 The menu_dir2.c program 723
F-4 The type_font.c program 728
F-5 The fonts.c program 730
F-6 The x_draw.c program 734
F-7 The Logo.c module 738
F-8 The Bitmap.c module 741
F-9 The panel_dnd.c program 745
2-1 XView Objects, Owners, Packages, and Data Types 20
2-2 Generic Functions 21
3-1 Reserved Prefixes 43
3-2 Default Ownership of Objects 48
4-1 Frame Attributes 81
5-1 Canvas Attributes 110
5-2 Openwin Attributes 111
6-1 Event Structure Fields 125
6-2 Mouseless Keyboard Commands with Action ACTION_NULL_EVENT 144
6-3 SunView1 Commands That Conflict with the Mouseless Model 144
6-4 Mouseless Actions Handled by the Window Manager 146
7-1 Text Item Notification Level 191
7-2 Return Values for Text Item Notify Procedures 192
7-3 Default Event to Action Mapping 206
7-4 Panel Procedures and Macros 209
7-5 Panel Package Attributes 209
7-6 New and Changed Panel Package Attributes (Version 3.2) 211
8-1 Range of Values for Status Variables 218
8-2 Textsw_action Attributes 234
8-3 Text Subwindow Procedures and Macros 236
8-4 Text Subwindow Attributes 237
9-1 TTY Subwindow Procedures 250
9-2 TTY Subwindow Attributes 250
10-1 Scrollbar Procedures 270
10-2 Scrollbar Attributes 270
11-1 Menu Procedures and Macros 304
11-2 Menu Attributes 304
12-1 Notice Attributes (used with NOTICE_LOCK_SCREEN = FALSE) 314
12-2 Screen-Locking Notice Attributes (for NOTICE_LOCK_SCREEN = TRUE) 317
12-3 Notice Attributes 324
13-1 Cursor Procedure 335
13-2 Cursor Attributes 335
14-1 Icon Attributes 345
15-1 Screen Attributes 362
15-2 Server and Server Image Attributes 362
15-3 Fullscreen Attributes 362
16-1 Default Font Sizes 374
16-2 Font Attributes 377
17-1 Resources and Default Values Understood by XView 382
18-1 Selecting Text 394
18-2 Error Codes 408
18-3 Selection Procedures 430
18-4 Selection Attributes 430
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