OPEN LOOK User-interface
This appendix lists the ways that the XView Toolkit is not compliant with the OPEN LOOK
Graphical User Interface Functional Specification. It is not a complete list of the ways that
OpenWindows 3.0 is not an OPEN LOOK UI-compliant environment. OPEN LOOK UI com-
pliance has two components: toolkit compliance and environment compliance.
An OPEN LOOK UI-compliant toolkit allows a developer to write an application that will be
OPEN LOOK UI-compliant if run with an OPEN LOOK UI window manager. The toolkit
might also support the application running successfully with, for example, a MOTIF win-
dow manager, but in such a configuration, the application would not be OPEN LOOK UI-com-
pliant. An OPEN LOOK UI-compliant environment consists of an OPEN LOOK UI window
manager, file manager, workspace properties window, and other such utility programs. To
guarantee an OPEN LOOK UI application, the developer must write the application with an
OPEN LOOK UI-compliant toolkit and run the application in an OPEN LOOK UI-compliant
This list is in three parts. The first part consists of those features missing from XView 3.0
that are specified as Level 1 OPEN LOOK UI features. The second part lists some of the
Level 2 OPEN LOOK UI features supported by XView 3.0. The third part lists the rest of the
Level 2 OPEN LOOK UI features, which are not supported by XView 3.0.
E.1 Level 1 Features Not Supported in XView 3.0
The Level 1 features listed on the following pages are not supported in XView 3.0.
E.1.1 Keyboard and Mouse Customization
XView 3.0 hard-codes the bindings for function keys, mouse buttons, and mouse modifiers
OPEN LOOK UI says the user should be able to customize.
OPEN LOOK User Interface Compliance 705
An OPEN LOOK UI toolkit should allow the user to specify the keys used for CUT, COPY,
In XView 3.0, these key bindings are hard-coded to L10, L6, L8, L3, L4, L1, Return,
Tab, and Shift-Tab.
An OPEN LOOK UI toolkit should allow the user to change the mouse buttons used for
SELECT, ADJUST, and MENU; the specified default mouse button bindings are LEFT, MIDDLE,
and RIGHT.
In XView 3.0, the specified default mouse button bindings are hard-coded.
An OPEN LOOK UI toolkit should allow the user to change the mouse modifiers used for
SETMENUDEFAULT, DUPLICATE, PAN, and CONSTRAIN. The specified default modified mouse
actions are Control-RIGHT for SETMENUDEFAULT, Control-LEFT for DUPLICATE,
Meta-LEFT for PAN, and LEFT-and-MIDDLE-chorded for CONSTRAIN.
In XView 3.0, the specified defaults for SETMENUDEFAULT and DUPLICATE are hard-
coded, and PAN and CONSTRAIN are not supported.
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, clicking ADJUST when there is no selection will set an initial
insert point (the same as clicking SELECT).
In XView 3.0, this selects a single character.
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, the user can bind a modified mouse action to selecting a single
character, but the default binding is NONE.
In XView 3.0, selecting a single character is hard-coded to clicking ADJUST when there
is no selection.
E.1.2 Default Buttons in Pop Ups
In an
UI toolkit, notices, command windows, and property windows must
always have a “default button,” even when there is only one button, and that the DEFAULT-
ACTION keyboard accelerator always invokes the default button.
XView 3.0 does not provide this automatically, but applications can implement this fea-
ture using XView primitives.
E.1.3 Help
In an
OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, help text can have bold text, italic text, and glyphs (small pic-
XView 3.0 does not support this.
706 XView Programming Manual
E.1.4 Window Background
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, window backgrounds are used to access the Window menu, to
select a window, and to move it by dragging.
XView 3.0 does not support this.
E.1.5 Notices
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, notices do not freeze the screen; input to other applications is
always possible.
In XView 3.0, making notices that freeze the screen is determined by the user (applica-
tion programmer).
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, each window of an application displays the standard busy pat-
tern in the header when a notice is displayed.
XView 3.0 this is determined by the user (application programmer).
E.1.6 Text Functions
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, an UNDO after an UNDO reverses the effect of the UNDO, restoring
the original state.
In XView 3.0, the second UNDO undoes the next-previous edit. There is no way in
XView 3.0 to reverse the effect of an UNDO.
E.1.7 Control Items
In an
UI toolkit, an abbreviated menu button can have a text field to the right of
the menu button. The text field is used to add items to the menu.
XView 3.0 the application level supports this behavior as an option.
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, menu buttons (and abbreviated menu buttons) highlight on
MENU down, and change to the standard busy pattern on MENU-up in stay-up mode.
XView 3.0 does not provide this.
In an
OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, a default setting for exclusive and non-exclusive settings is
only displayed when the controls are used on a menu.
XView 3.0 indicates a default setting for exclusive and non-exclusive settings even
when the controls are used in command and property windows.
OPEN LOOK User Interface Compliance 707
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, an indeterminate state is defined on exclusive and non-exclu-
sive settings.
XView 3.0 does not support this.
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, the bold border width on exclusive and non-exclusive settings
is adjusted (to either 2 or 3 pixels) depending on the display resolution.
XView 3.0 does not provide this.
E.1.8 Property Windows
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, there is a required Settings pop-up menu for a property window.
XView 3.0 does not provide this automatically, but applications can implement this
menu themselves.
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, property windows have two required buttons, Apply and
Reset, and an optional button, Set Default.
Again, XView 3.0 does not provide this automatically, but applications can implement
this feature using XView primitives.
In an
OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, there is a way to have two active selections when using prop-
erty windows.
XView 3.0 does not support this.
In an OPEN LOOK UI toolkit, when there are two active selections, the Apply button
becomes a menu button with Original Selection and New Selection items.
XView 3.0 does not support this.
E.2 Level 2 Features Supported in XView 3.0
The following Level 2 features are supported in XView 3.0.
Abbreviated buttons.
Nonstandard basic windows.
Numeric text fields with increment/decrement buttons.
Some keyboard accelerators.
Splittable panes.
Missing: Dimming the pane’s border or its contents to indicate that the pane is
about to disappear when removing a split pane using cable anchors.
Split View and Join Views items on Scrollbar menu.
Dragging text to move/copy.
708 XView Programming Manual
Quick Move and Quick Duplicate on (most) text.
Some Level 2 Workspace Properties.
Blocking pop-up windows.
Multi-line text areas.
Read-only gauges.
Automatic scrolling.
View must be updated while scrollbar elevator is dragged.
Glyphs in scrolling lists.
Sliders with end-boxes and tickmarks.
Vertical sliders.
Soft function keys.
Window scaling.
E.3 Level 2 Features Not Supported in XView 3.0
The following Level 2 features are not supported in XView 3.0.
Change bars in property windows.
Edit menu for text fields.
Menus containing more than one type of control.
Resizable panes.
Selectable panes.
Minimum scrollbar.
Page-oriented scrollbar.
Hierarchical scrolling lists.
OPEN LOOK User Interface Compliance 709

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