Procedures and Macros
This section lists the XView procedures and macros in alphabetical order. For each proce-
dure or macro, an explanation of its use is provided. Following each procedure is a synopsis
that includes the procedure’s parameters, if there are any. The parameters are described after
the synopsis.
attr_create_list( )
Takes an attribute-value list and converts it into an array of Attr_attributes, also
known as an Attr_avlist. ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_SIZE, defined in <xview/attr.h>,
defines how big an attriubte-value list can get. This is the limit on how big an attri-
bute-value list can be created using the ATTR_LIST or attr_create_list() macros.
The return value is used as the value for the attribute ATTR_LIST.
Macro providing built-in support for iteration across all the paint windows contained in
a given canvas. Allows you to perform operations on multiple paint windows for
which there are no canvas attributes.
Closes the loop started by CANVAS_EACH_PAINT_WINDOW(). These two macros are
meant to be used together.
Creates and returns a copy of src_cursor.
Xv_Cursor src_cursor;
Procedures and Macros
Procedures and Macros 175
This function returns TRUE if the resource exists in the database via
defaults_exists(name, class)
char *name;
char *class;
defaults_set_boolean() sets the resource to the value specified.
defaults_set_boolean(resource, value)
char *resource;
Bool value;
defaults_get_boolean() looks up the name-class pair in the resource database
and returns TRUE if the value is one of:
• True
• Yes
• On
• Enabled
• Set
• Activated
• 1
It returns FALSE if the value is one of:
• False
• No
• Off
• Disabled
• Reset
• Cleared
• Deactivated
• 0
If the value is none of the previous, a warning message will be displayed and the de-
fault value will be returned. If the resource is not found, no error message is printed
but the default value is still returned.
defaults_get_boolean(name, class, default_value)
char *name, *class;
int default_value;
176 XView Reference Manual
defaults_get_character() looks up the name-class pair in the resource data-
base and returns the resulting character value. If the resource is not found, then the de-
fault character value is returned.
defaults_get_character(name, class, default_char)
char *name;
char *class;
char default_char;
defaults_get_enum() looks up the value associated with name and class and
scans the pairs table and returns the associated value. If no match is found, an error
is generated and the value associated with the last entry is returned. de-
faults_get_enum() calls defaults_get_string() and determines the val-
ue returned by calling defaults_lookup(), passing the returned string as the
name parameter.
defaults_get_enum(name, class, pairs)
char *name;
char *class;
Defaults_pairs *pairs;
defaults_get_integer() looks up the name-class pair in the resource database
and returns the resulting integer value. If the database does not contain the resource,
the default value is returned.
defaults_get_integer(name, class, default_value)
char *name;
char *class;
int default_value;
defaults_get_integer_check() looks up the name-class pair in the resource
database and returns the resulting integer value. If the value in the database is not be-
tween the values minimum and maximum (inclusive), an error message is printed and
the default value is returned. If the resource is not found, no error message is printed
but the default value is returned.
defaults_get_integer_check(name, class, default_value,
minimum, maximum)
char *name;
char *class;
int default_value;
int minimum;
int maximum;
Procedures and Macros
Procedures and Macros 177
defaults_get_string( )
defaults_get_string() returns the string value associated with the specified
name-class pair in the resource database. If the resource is not found, the default string
value is returned. defaults_get_string() returns a pointer into a static buffer
maintained by the defaults package. Applications should not attempt to free this point-
er. This buffer will be overwritten by the next call to the defaults package, so the ap-
plication should maintain a copy if necessary.
char *
defaults_get_string(name, class, default_str)
char *name;
char *class;
char *default_str;
This function is called automatically by xv_init(), so it need not be called by your
application. defaults_init_db() calls XrmInitialize().
defaults_load_db() loads the database residing in the specified filename or the
server database if filename is NULL. The database found in filename is loaded via
XrmGetFileDatabase() and is merged into the existing resource database via
char *filename;
defaults_lookup() linearly scans the pairs array looking for name. The value
associated with name is returned. The pairs array must contain a last element with a
NULL name and a legal value associated with it. This value is returned if name does
not match the name field of any of the elements in the pairs parameter.
defaults_lookup(name, pairs)
char *name;
Defaults_pairs *pairs;
defaults_set_character() sets the resource to the character value.
defaults_set_character(resource, character)
char *resource;
char character;
178 XView Reference Manual
defaults_set_integer( )
defaults_set_integer() sets the resource to the value specified.
defaults_set_integer(resource, value)
char *resource;
int value;
defaults_set_string( )
defaults_set_string() sets the resource to the specified string.
defaults_set_string(resource, string)
char *resource;
char *string;
char *filename;
This function writes the database to the specified file via XrmPutFileData-
base(). This must be done in order to ensure that the database is accessible the next
time the server is started.
This function initiates a drag and drop data transfer using the selection mechanism.
The drop event is decoded in three steps: First, the selection defined within the drop
event is associated with the selection object passed into dnd_decode_drop(); sec-
ond, the function sends an acknowledgement to the source, informing it that the trans-
action has been initiated; finally, if the drop-site is valid, the drop-site item that was
dropped on is returned. Otherwise, if dnd_decode_drop() fails to initiate the drag
and drop transaction, XV_ERROR is returned.
dnd_decode_drop(sel_object, drop_event)
Selection_requestor sel_object;
Event *drop_event;
sel_object is an instantiated selection requestor object. drop_event is a pointer
to the event structure that contains the trigger event. This event is either the semantic
ACTION_DRAG_MOVE or ACTION_DRAG_COPY, indicating the type of the drag and
drop: a move or a copy.
Procedures and Macros
Procedures and Macros 179
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