Default: This value may also be set via environment variables
EXTRASMENU.<locale> or EXTRASMENU. If neither resource
or environment variable exist, the text package will try to
locate an Extras menu in one of the following:
If the value is True, then the text selected for a filter command (e.g. the Extras->Format
menu item from the textsw menu) will replace the contents of the clipboard after the
filter has successfully completed. If the value is False, then the text selected will not
replace the contents of the clipboard. The default value is False, do not replace the
contents of the clipboard.
Values: True, False (False)
Controls whether insertion causes repositioning to make inserted text visible.
Values: If_auto_scroll (Always)
Determines how the textsw treats file lines when they are too big to fit on one display
Values: Clip, Wrap_char, Wrap_word (Wrap_word)
This resource takes an integer value which is the percentage of the maximum height of
a character in the textsw window font to use as interline spacing. For example, the
maximum character height in the textsw window font is 10. Setting
Text.LineSpacing to 15 will cause 2 pixels (1.5 pixels rounded up) of white
space to appear between each line in the textsw.
Values: integer (0)
Specifies the minimum number of lines to maintain between insertion point and bottom
of view. A value of –1 turns auto scrolling off.
Values: N (0)
Where N is an integer between –1 and 50.
Specifies the margin in pixels that the text should maintain between the left-hand
border of the window and the first character on each line.
Values: N (8)
Where N is an integer between 0 and 2000.
Command-line Arguments
and XView Resources
Command-line Arguments and XView Resources 269
Specifies the margin in pixels that the text should maintain between the right-hand
border of the window and the last character on each line.
Values: N (0)
Where N is an integer between 0 and 2000.
Specifies the minimum number of lines to maintain between the start of the selection
and the top of the view. A value of –1 means defeat normal actions.
Values: N (2)
Where N is an integer between –1 and 50.
Once this limit is exceeded, the text package will send a notice to the user to tell them
that no more insertions are possible. If the file being edited is saved to a file, or it is a
disk file being edited, then the limit does not apply.
Values: N (20000)
Where N specifies the bytes used in memory before a text file is
saved to a file on disk.
If True, retain text windows with server backing store.
Values: True, False (False)
When False, do not change the name of the current file being edited to the name of the
file that is stored. The name of the current file is reflected in the titlebar of the textedit
Values: True, False (True)
Specifies the width in characters of the tab character.
Values: N (8)
Where N is an integer between 0 and 50.
Specifies how many operations to save in the undo history log. These operations will
be undone when you press the “Undo” key in the text window.
Values: N (50 maximum of 500)
Where N is an integer between 0 and 500.
This resource controls whether characters modified by the meta modifier are encoded
as eight-bit characters when passed to the ttysw’s pty, or are delivered as seven-bit
Values: Boolean
Default is True.
270 XView Reference Manual
Any semantic meaning, mouseless command or keyboard accelerator, that would nor-
mally be associated with the listed modifiers when the keyboard focus is in a ttysw or a
termsw would be removed. The default is to not remove any semantic meaning from
any modifiers.
Values: List of modifier keys
Alt and Meta are the only two keys currently supported.
window.synchronous, +sync -sync
Useful when debugging or tracking down a problem since the error codes emitted from
Xlib will correspond to the immediate request made. Running in a synchronous mode
will cause the application to run significantly slower.
Values: True, False (False)
Specifies the window’s depth. Use an integer.
Resource specifies the visual used for the window.
When False, XView will set window manager hints in a way that was used before the
ICCCM was adopted. Useful for window managers that are released before X11R4.
Not needed with the Open Look Window Manager provided with Open Windows.
Values: True, False (True)
Command-line Arguments
and XView Resources
Command-line Arguments and XView Resources 271
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to preserve original page counts.

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