
3DES (triple DES), 6, 65, 87, 171, 178, 210, 347, 366

definition of, 65

Aboba, B., 162, 407, 409, 415

accept function, 424

access concentrator, definition of, 99

ACCM (asynchronous control character map)

attribute value field, 134

definition of, 133

ACK flag, definition of, 27

Adams, R., 343


broadcast, 19

IPv6, 4445

limited broadcast, 19

network-directed broadcast, 19

private, 3540, 54, 93, 104, 350

Address Resolution Protocol, see ARP


classful, 1319

IP, 1319

Adleman, L.M., 70, 81, 84

Advanced Encryption Standard, see AES

AES (Rijndael), 6, 6567, 72, 87, 271, 282, 291, 365366

Agarwal, P., 137

aggressive mode, definition of, 376

AH (Authentication Header protocol), 46, 168, 308339, 341342, 355, 358, 365366 ...

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