
 Item BDC000010564 Source..........: PDDBO PDDBO Last updated....: 10/26/1998 Abstract........: VSAMRLS MIXED ENVIRONMENT USERS: VRLs PROBLEM SUMMARY: SMSVSAM address space hangs. Vary S active also hangs. Display of server shows SHV PH2 Init step SOLUTION: One of the systems was missing catalog entry for the SHCDS shared control datasets. PROBLEM DETAILS: TYPE: USER COMPID: 5695DF122 RELEASE: 1D0 CUSTOMER: We are using VSAM RLS across two systems. One is 5.2.2 (SMS 1.2) the other was just upgraded from OS/390 1.3 (SMS 1.3) to OS/390 2.5 (SMS 1.4). We cannot get SMSVSAM to come available. I forced the SMSVSAM address space down on the 5.2.2 system to try to recover it, but this did not help. CUSTOMER: We tried applying UW48355 to ...

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