
 Item BDC000007033 Source..........: PDDBO PDDBO Last updated....: 02/26/1998 Abstract........: SMSVSAM address space does not complete initialization USERS: VRLS PROBLEM SUMMARY: Delete / Moved SHCDS share control ds SMSVSAM would not initialize SOLUTION: Applied uw42626 and issued FALLBACKSMSVSAMYES PROBLEM DETAILS: TYPE: N/A COMPID: 5695DF122 RELEASE: 1C0 CUSTOMER: Running OS390 R3 at 9710 put level. Any attempt to bring up the SMSVSAM address space and it never seems to complete initializa- tion. Display it you get the following: DISPLAY SMS,SMSVSAM - SERVER STATUS SYSNAME: TLP1 UNAVAILABLE ASID: 000A STEP: SHC_Ph2_Init SYSNAME: ........ ........... ASID: .... STEP: ............ DISPLAY SMSVSAM - JOB STATUS SUBSYSTEMS CONNECTED: ...

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