How to do it…

The following are the steps to create VCHA. First, create the VCHA network. This is a VM port group that the active VCSA, the passive VCSA, and the witness communicate and replicate on. They can be attached to your existing vSwitch or an independent vSwitch:

  1. Log in to your VCSA using vSphere Web Client.
  2. Click on your host, then go to the Configure tab. Click on Virtual switches under Networking.
  3. Click on the Add host networking button.
  4. Select Virtual Machine Port Group and click Next.
  5. Select the existing switch and click Next.
  6. Enter the VCHA network for the Network label and click Next.
  7. Review the settings and click Finish.
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 for your other hosts:

Now that we have created the VCHA network port group on all ...

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