© Bryan Lim and Richard LaFranchi 2019
B. Lim, R. LaFranchiVue on Railshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5116-4_5

5. Making a Real-Time Two-Player Game with Action Cable

Bryan Lim1  and Richard LaFranchi2
Singapore, Singapore
Boulder, CO, USA

A happy programmer is a productive programmer. That's why we optimize for happiness and you should too. Don't just pick tools and practices based on industry standards or performance metrics. Look at the intangibles: Is there passion, pride, and craftsmanship here? Would you truly be happy working in this environment eight hours a day?

—David Heinemeier Hansson

Action Cable was released in version 5 of Ruby on Rails and was one of the main features of this release. Most tutorials around Action Cable ...

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