Testing utility functions

Let's test our code now! Let's start with utils. Create a file called utils.spec.js and import the leftPad function:

import { leftPad } from '~/utils/utils'

Have a look at this function again:

// utils/utils.js
export const leftPad = value => {
  if (('' + value).length > 1) {
    return value

  return '0' + value

This function should return the input string if this string's length is greater than 1. If the string's length is 1, it should return the string with a preceding 0.

Seems quite easy to test it, right? We would write two test cases:

// test/utils.spec.js
describe('utils', () => {
  describe('leftPad', () => {
    it('should return the string itself if its length is more than 1', () => {
      expect(leftPad('01')).toEqual('01') }) ...

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