Displaying a list of notes

I will start by displaying a list of notes because the other features depend on it. Another possible feature to start with is the ability to create a new note.

In order to display a list of notes, we need to add that list to the application's Vuex.Store. Then we need a Vue component that uses the store to display the notes.

The first test is about defining a note list inside the application's main store:

// test/store/store.spec.jsimport store from '../../src/store';describe('EveryNote main store', () => {  it('should have a list of notes', () => {    expect(Array.isArray(store.state.noteList)).toBe(true);  });});

Next, define the implementation:

// src/store/index.jsimport ...// ...const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: ...

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