12Keep Chopping Wood: Pressure versus Preparation

Most of us strive to find an occupation that we enjoy and have a passion for. Additionally, we hope our workplace and co-workers are just as satisfying. When this combination transpires, you are grateful to have a job and people within that organization you enjoy.

For us to continue to operate at our place of employment at a high level, we engage in many of the values and traits explored throughout the book. An essential trait to add to your repertoire is the ability to prepare for your next steps. This is a widespread concept; the Boy Scouts have used this motto since their inception: be prepared.

But do you really look at this idea and invest the proper amount of time to actually prepare for your day? Most people don't go all in. They tend to half-prepare, thinking they already know the information, and because they are experienced at their job, they figure they don't need to waste time. They aren't willing to go the extra mile and find ways to educate, or reeducate, themselves.

These are the folks who feel pressure, created because they failed to properly prepare. Whether it's a recertification exam required for work, a business sales pitch to a potential client, or a practice for a big game, failure to prepare at 100 percent effort will result in feeling some pressure when the “game” is on. Ironically, the stress and tension that accompanies an unequipped approach to a task is something that each person has control over because ...

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