3GPP | 3rd Generation partnership project (produces WCDMA standard) |
3GPP2 | 3rd Generation partnership project 2 (produced cdma2000 standard) |
AAL2 | ATM Adaptation Layer type 2 |
AAL5 | ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 |
ABB | Analog baseband |
ACELP | Algebraic code excitation linear prediction |
ACIR | Adjacent channel interference ratio, caused by the transmitter non-idealities and imperfect receiver filtering |
ACK | Acknowledgement |
ACL | Access control list |
ACLR | Adjacent channel leakage ratio, caused by the transmitter non-idealities, the effect of receiver filtering is not included |
ACTS | Advanced communication technologies and systems, EU research projects framework |
ADC | Analog to digital conversion |
AGC | Automatic gain control |
A-GW | Access gateway |
AICH | Acquisition indication channel |
ALCAP | Access link control application part |
AM | Acknowledged mode |
AM | Amplitude modulation |
AMD | Acknowledged mode data |
AMR | Adaptive multirate (speech codec) |
AMR-NB | Narrowband AMR |
AMR-WB | Wideband AMR |
ARIB | Association of radio industries and businesses (Japan) |
AOL | America on-line |
AP | Access point |
ARP | Allocation and retention priority |
ARQ | Automatic repeat request |
ASC | Access service class |
ASN.1 | Abstract syntax notation one |
ATM | Asynchronous transfer mode |
AWGN | Additive white Gaussian noise |
AWS | Advanced wireless services |
BB | Baseband |
BB SS7 | Broadband signalling system #7 |
BCCH | Broadcast channel (logical channel) |
BCFE | Broadcast control functional entity |
BCH ... |