
3GPP 3rd Generation partnership project (produces WCDMA standard)
3GPP2 3rd Generation partnership project 2 (produced cdma2000 standard)
AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer type 2
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5
ABB Analog baseband
ACELP Algebraic code excitation linear prediction
ACIR Adjacent channel interference ratio, caused by the transmitter non-idealities and imperfect receiver filtering
ACK Acknowledgement
ACL Access control list
ACLR Adjacent channel leakage ratio, caused by the transmitter non-idealities, the effect of receiver filtering is not included
ACTS Advanced communication technologies and systems, EU research projects framework
ADC Analog to digital conversion
AGC Automatic gain control
A-GW Access gateway
AICH Acquisition indication channel
ALCAP Access link control application part
AM Acknowledged mode
AM Amplitude modulation
AMD Acknowledged mode data
AMR Adaptive multirate (speech codec)
AMR-NB Narrowband AMR
AMR-WB Wideband AMR
ARIB Association of radio industries and businesses (Japan)
AOL America on-line
AP Access point
ARP Allocation and retention priority
ARQ Automatic repeat request
ASC Access service class
ASN.1 Abstract syntax notation one
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
AWGN Additive white Gaussian noise
AWS Advanced wireless services
BB Baseband
BB SS7 Broadband signalling system #7
BCCH Broadcast channel (logical channel)
BCFE Broadcast control functional entity
BCH ...

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