Chapter 8. GReAT Managers Focus on Growth, Recognition, And Trust

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than there is for bread.

Mother Teresa

There is no single driver of engagement that applies universally. People care about different things. Some might be driven by verbal recognition while others might be inspired by a bold vision, and still others may be driven by enjoyment of the great team they work with. But while there is no single silver bullet, Kenexa's global surveys of over 10 million workers each year, and our own experience as leaders, tell us that three drivers consistently rank at the top of the list for most people. These are growth, recognition, and trust, and you can remember these factors with the word GReAT. As in, "GReAT managers focus on Growth, Recognition, And Trust." This chapter explores just how these drivers cause people to be engaged at work.



Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.

 --Pearl Buck

When we talk about growth and development, we're referring to how satisfied employees are with progress toward their career objectives and about their access to learning and developmental opportunities within the organization. This is an important concept to think about, because when employees are satisfied with their development, they are more likely to have higher loyalty, motivation, commitment, and overall satisfaction, all of which adds to improved performance. Kenexa research shows the strong link between perceptions of ...

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