CHAPTER 13Advancing Flourishing: A 10 x 10 Learning Roadmap

Stacy Allred, Joan DiFuria, and Stephen Goldbart

The number-one goal of successful, wealthy families is to foster thriving individuals and build a connected family. Financial wealth can be an amplifier that leads to flourishing or languishing. It can help to build well-being and self-esteem at each life stage or magnify ill-being and the potential of feeling lost. One way or the other, significant financial capital will have an impact.

An left arrow.
An right arrow.
Lack of well-being Lack of motivation and self-esteem Inhibited by passivity and lack of purpose Reticence to learn and grow Sense of stagnation and emptiness Feels like muddling through days Peak of well-being Motivation/self-esteem Strong sense of purpose Meaningful contribution Willingness to learn and grow Positive relationships

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

Maya Angelou

As family advisors, we appreciate how each family is unique and different in their own right. But over the years that we've been helping families navigate wealth, we've experienced strikingly similar questions and concerns3 of wealth creators:

  • How much do we ...

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