
Symbols and Numbers

* (asterisk), defining zones in DTD, 92

@ functionality, of Facebook and Twitter, 235236

| (pipe), either/or definitions in DTD, 92

+ (plus), defining element in DTD, 92

<!---->, XML comment syntax, 101

? (question mark), defining zeros or single occurrences in DTD, 92

200 response code, in monitoring network activity, 217

2D graphics

HTML5, 7274

OpenGL, 589

304 response code, in monitoring network activity, 217

3D graphics

HTML5, 75

OpenGL, 589

404 response code, in monitoring network activity, 217


AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool), 604

abstraction, in Semantic Technology, 692

accelerators, Joyent, 389

access control, identity management and, 266

ACE (Authority, Container, Entity) data model, 374

ActionScript (Adobe)

creating ActionScript ...

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