Recipe 8-5: Detecting Browser Fingerprint Changes During Sessions
This recipe demonstrates how to identify changes to the client’s browser fingerprint during a session.
- ModSecurity
- SecContentInjection directive
- RESPONSE_HEADERS:Set-Cookie variable
- REQUEST_HEADERS:Cookie variable
- GEO collection variable
- @streq operator
- setsid action
- setvar action
- append action
Tracking User-Agent Field Changes
Besides tracking source location data, as shown in Recipe 8-4, we can inspect certain characteristics of the web client. Specifically, we can easily track the client’s User-Agent string value and ensure that it does not change during the course of a session. If it does change, this may indicate some type of session hijacking scenario. First, let’s look at the following ruleset that captures a hash of the current client’s User-Agent value when the application issues a Set-Cookie response header:
SecRule RESPONSE_HEADERS:/Set-Cookie2?/ "(?i:(j?sessionid|(php)?sess
" "chain,
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)"
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent ".*" "t:none,
The bold rule captures the current ...
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