Chapter 6. Identifying Third-Party Dependencies
Most web applications today are built on a combination of in-house code and external code integrated internally by one of many integration techniques. External dependencies can be proprietary from another company, which allows integration under a certain licensing model, or free—often from the OSS community. The use of such third-party dependencies in application code is not risk free, and often third-party dependencies are not subject to as robust a security review as in-house code.
During reconnaissance you will likely encounter many third-party integrations, and you will want to pay a lot of attention to both the dependency and the method of integration. Often these dependencies can turn into attack vectors; sometimes vulnerabilities in such dependencies are well known and you may not even have to prepare an attack yourself but will instead be able to copy an attack from a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database.
Detecting Client-Side Frameworks
Often, rather than building out complex UI infrastructure, developers take advantage of well-maintained and well-tested UI frameworks. These often come in the form of SPA libraries for handling complex state, JavaScript-only frameworks for patching functionality holes in the JavaScript language across browsers (Lodash, JQuery), or as CSS frameworks for improving the look and feel of a website (Bootstrap, Bulma).
Usually all three of these are easy to detect, and if you can ...
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