Chapter 3

Building Expressions


Bullet Understanding what expressions are

Bullet Figuring out numeric expressions

Bullet Tying up string expressions

Bullet Getting the hang of comparison expressions

Bullet Learning about logical expressions

It’s not at all important to get it right the first time. It’s vitally important to get it right the last time.


The JavaScript variables described in the preceding chapter can’t do all that much by themselves. They don’t become useful members of your web code community until you give them something productive to do. For example, you can assign values to them, use them to assign values to other variables, use them in calculations, and so on.

This productive side of variables in particular, and JavaScript-based web code in general, is brought to you by a JavaScript feature known as the expression. When coding in JavaScript, you use expressions constantly, so it’s vital to understand what they are and to get comfortable with the types of expressions available ...

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