Chapter 4

Coding Static Web Pages


Bullet Getting comfy with the difference between static and dynamic pages

Bullet Setting up and cloning a GitHub repository

Bullet Pushing changes to the repository

Bullet Creating an HTML template file

Bullet Generating static HTML files with PHP

Bullet Deploying your static files to GitHub Pages

With static HTML, [the] story is pretty simple. You…write the code (including your content). Then, once it’s on the server, it’s always like that. There’s no background processing going on — your site is always right there in its finished form.


One of the unfortunate hallmarks of web coding and development over the past dozen years or so is an ever-increasing level of complexity for the developer. New web coding frameworks get released alarmingly frequently, with each new “solution” boasting a learning curve even steeper than the previous one. (A framework, just so ...

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