PDF-PHP Reference

This section describes the methods that are available in the two classes that comprise the pdf-php library (version 009). The first section describes the EZPDF class extension that provides easy-to-use methods to create a PDF document, control basic formatting, and add text, tables, columns, and images. The second section lists the methods in the base class that can be used for more complex tasks, including drawing shapes and controlling fonts.

We recommend always using the EZPDF class in preference to the base class because it allows you to access all of the base class methods as well as all of the advanced features that simplify producing documents. For this reason, we've omitted PDF base class methods from our discussion that are a subset of the corresponding EZPDF methods. For example, we don't discuss the PDF base class constructor, because the EZPDF constructor has the same functionality and additional features. In addition, we've omitted discussion of using callback functions to add additional functionality; more details on this topic is in the final section of the pdf-php class manual.


void Cezpdf::Cezpdf([mixed paper [, string orientation ]])

This is the class constructor. Without parameters, it creates a new PDF document using A4 paper size with portrait orientation. It sets all margins on the page to 30 points (around 0.4 inches or just over 1 centimeter) and then defines the point at which the text starts to be the top-left corner of the ...

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