Chapter 1: Defining the Look and Feel

In This Chapter

check.png Generating design ideas based on client and target audience profiles

check.png Making design size and layout orientation decisions

check.png Choosing appropriate site colors, fonts, and other design elements

check.png Selecting the best navigation system for the site’s design


In this chapter, you find out how to develop the site’s look and feel based on the information you gathered about the client’s target audience profile and site identity. You also use the information you gathered from your client about his or her preferences for fonts, colors, layout, size, orientation, and other design elements, as well as the site’s navigation.

Working with the Client to Make Design Choices

By making important design and layout decisions with the client now, before you begin your design work for the site’s mock-up, you can save yourself and the client valuable time. In fact, if you do this step with all your projects, you will quickly discover that generating a

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