



A generic element used for placing an object (such as an image, applet, or media file) on a web page. The attributes required for the object element vary with the type of content it is placing. The object element may also contain a number of param elements that pass important information to the object when it displays or plays. Not all objects require additional parameters. The declare, standby, and tabindex attributes are not universally supported. Browsers vary in support of some media types placed with the object element.


Core(id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events


Deprecated. Aligns object with respect to surrounding text. See the img element for explanations of the align values.

archive=" URLs "

Specifies a space-separated list of URLs for resources that are related to the object.

border=" number "

Deprecated. Sets the width of the border in pixels if the object is a link.

classid=" URL "

Identifies the location of an object’s implementation. It is used with or in place of the data attribute. The syntax depends on the object type. Not universally supported.

codebase=" URL "

Identifies the base URL used to resolve relative URLs in the object (similar to base). By default, codebase is the base URL of the current document.

codetype=" codetype "

Specifies the media type of the code. It is required only if the browser cannot determine an applet’s MIME type from the classid attribute ...

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