Currying: Handling One Argument at a Time

What would happen if we called the avg function but only gave it one argument? Surely we’d get some sort of error:

 let​ ​avg​ = (​a​: ​float​, ​b​: ​float​) : ​float​ ​=>​ {
  (​a​ +. b) ​/.​ 2.0;
 Js​​.log2​(​"Average of 3 and 4"​, ​avg​(3.0, 4.0));
 Js​​.log2​(​"Average of 3?!"​, ​avg​(3.0));
 code/functions>​​ ​​bsb​​ ​​-make-world
 ninja: Entering directory `lib/bs'
 [3/3] Building src/Currying.mlast.d
 [1/1] Building src/Currying-Simplefunctions.cmj
 code/functions>​​ ​​node​​ ​​src/
 Average of 3 and 4 3.5
 Average of 3?! function (param) {
  return avg(3.0, param);

It compiles without errors, and when we run it, we get a function as output ...

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