Chapter 5. Making Your E-Mail Content Valuable
In This Chapter
Determining the value of your e-mail content
Including valuable offers in your e-mails
Coming up with a strong call to action
Making your e-mails inherently valuable
Giving your e-mails relevance over time
When people subscribe to your e-mail list, they share personal information with the expectation of receiving something valuable. Consumers aren't likely to value multiple e-mails that highlight only the distinguishing characteristics of your business. Repetitive e-mail content results in subscriber boredom. And boring your audience leads to low open rates, lost clicks, and unsubscribe requests.
Keeping your e-mail content valuable over time helps ensure that your list subscribers keep their attention and their subscription active while you attempt to capture purchases from them throughout the course of each buying cycle. The two basic types of value when it comes to e-mail content are
An offer that is valuable when acted upon
An inherent value: that is, content that's valuable in and of itself
Valuable content won't automatically make your audience rush to your business to part with their money. Your e-mail also needs to have a strong call to action to give your content a purpose and prompt your audience to help you meet your objectives.
This chapter covers some fundamental guidelines for including value in your e-mail strategy to deliver important information about your business while giving your audience continued reasons to ...
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