Chapter 15. Crawling Through APIs
JavaScript has traditionally been the bane of web crawlers everywhere. At one point in the ancient history of the internet, you could be guaranteed that a request for an HTML page made to the web server would represent the same HTML website you would see in a browser.
As JavaScript and Ajax content generation and loading become more ubiquitous, that situation is becoming less common. In Chapter 14, you looked at one way of solving this: using Selenium to automate a browser and fetch the data. This is an easy thing to do. It works almost all of the time.
The problem is that, when you have a “hammer” as powerful and effective as Selenium, every web scraping problem starts to look a lot like a nail.
In this chapter, you’ll look at cutting through the JavaScript entirely (no need to execute it or even load it!) and getting straight to the source of the data: the APIs that generate it.
A Brief Introduction to APIs
Although countless books, talks, and guides have been written about the intricacies of REST, GraphQL, JSON, and XML APIs, at their core they are based on a simple concept. An API, or Application Programming Interface, defines a standardized syntax that allows one piece of software to communicate with another piece of software, even though they might be written in different languages or otherwise structured differently.
This section focuses on web APIs (in particular, APIs that allow a web server to communicate to a browser) and uses the ...
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