Chapter 13. Multimedia: Adding Flash, Audio, and Video
Adding a Flash animation
Inserting Flash video
Comparing audio and video formats
Uploading videos to YouTube
Inserting a YouTube video into a Web page
Make your Web pages sing and dance by adding audio, video, and other multimedia to your pages. If you want to provide a richer experience for your users, to show rather than just to tell, or to entertain as well as inform, add animation or video. Not only does multimedia help tell stories more vividly, it can also make you look more professional.
And adding animation or video isn't as hard as you might think. One simple way to add video to a Web page is to upload a video file to YouTube (or search for video already on YouTube) and then insert it into your page. You find detailed instructions in this chapter for using video on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video hosting and social networking sites. You also find step-by-step instructions for using Dreamweaver to insert Flash animations and videos in into your Web pages.
Perhaps the most complicated aspect of multimedia on the Web is choosing the best format for your audience, which is why this chapter starts with a primer on audio and video formats and how multimedia works on the Web today.
Playing Animation and Video on the Web
When you add video or any other kind of multimedia to a Web site, your visitors may need a special player to play your ...
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