\n (linefeed character) && (and) condition # (hash) symbol || (or) condition $ character $add variable $array_length parameter $cards array, 2nd, 3rd $cards variable, 2nd, 3rd $CardSelected function, 2nd $card_to_swap variable $card_value variable $column parameter, 2nd $columns variable, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th $columns_equal value $count variable, 2nd, 3rd $current_level variable, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th $execution_paused variable, 2nd, 3rd $first_card_column variable $first_card_row value, 2nd $first_card_row variable $first_card_value variable $FlipCard function, 2nd $float variable $free function $FUNCSIG$vi variable $GenerateCards function, 2nd $GetCardValue ...
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