WebObjects® Developer's Guide

Book description

WebObjects is an object-oriented Web application server that is used to generate scalable Web and Java applications from reusable templates. A product of Apple Computer, WebObjects¿ client list includes such Fortune 500 companies as Disney, Adobe, and the BBC. The product¿s support for Java 2 Enterprise Edition and its competitive pricing are expected to expand WebObjects¿ growing position in the market for Web application servers, a market that is expected to grow by more than $2 billion in revenue by 2002 (Forrester Research).

WebObjects Developer¿s Guide is a unique, step-by-step guide for intermediate- to advanced-level developers. It uses a hands-on instructional approach to make the sophisticated and sometimes complex WebObjects technology accessible to developers. The book explains WebObjects concepts and paradigms, and it illustrates the art of modeling applications with the Enterprise Object Framework.

The author provides practical insight into WebObjects development based upon his extensive experience as a consultant for major international corporations.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Author
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. We Want to Hear from You!
  5. Reader Services
  6. Introduction
  7. A WebObjects Primer
    1. Creating A New Project
    2. Marking Up HTML in WebObjects Builder
    3. WebObjects Component State
    4. Using Session Variables
    5. Application State
    6. Using Images and Fonts in WebObjects
  8. DHTML and WebObjects
    1. Introduction to JavaScript and WebObjects
    2. Creating A Basic WebObjects Component
    3. Designing WebObjects Components
    4. Defining the Component API
    5. Optimizing WebObjects Generated DHTML
    6. Summary
  9. Optimizing WebObjects Components
    1. Adding a Splash Page
    2. Optimizing Components Using Nonsynchronized Variables
    3. Making Stateful Components
    4. Using Stateless Components
  10. Building Bookmarkable Applications
    1. Creating a Stateless Application
    2. Using Direct Actions
    3. Building Mini-Applications Using Direct Actions
    4. Localizing a Direct-Action Application
  11. XHTML and WebObjects
    1. Introduction to XHTML
    2. Implementing a WebObjects XHTML Element
    3. Implementing a WebObjects Dynamic Element
    4. Summary: Completing the XHTML Application
  12. SVG and WebObjects
    1. Introduction to SVG
    2. Generating Graphics with WebObjects
    3. Building WebObjects Applications Using SVG
    4. Summary
  13. A Game of Crazy Eights: Beginning Enterprise Objects
    1. Defining the Object Model
    2. Populating and Testing the Model
    3. Constructing the Game
    4. Refining the Model
    5. Summary
  14. Case Study I: Online Forum
    1. Overview of Enterprise Objects
    2. Modeling the Entities and Their Attributes
    3. Defining and Using Relationships
    4. Testing the Model with DirectToWeb
    5. Finessing the Model
    6. Summary
  15. Prototyping with DirectToWeb
    1. Customizing DirectToWeb
    2. Altering the Object Model and Database
    3. Adding Logic to Enterprise Objects
    4. Advanced Object Modeling
    5. Using Multiple Models
    6. Summary
  16. Rapid Prototyping with WebObjects
    1. Building a First Application Prototype
    2. Refining the Object Model
    3. Building a Stateless Application Prototype
    4. Making Performance Optimizations to the Object Model
    5. Developing the Stateless Application Components
    6. Summary
  17. Managing Users, Sessions, and Personalization
    1. Crafting the Interface for Posting Topics and Replies
    2. Supporting Sessions in a Direct Action Application
    3. Managing Client-Side State with Cookies
    4. Providing User Personalization and Preferences
    5. Summary
  18. File Uploads and Downloads
    1. Uploading and Downloading Attachments
    2. Providing a Search Page
    3. Completing the Application
    4. Summary
  19. Organizing Code, Fixing Bugs, and Handling Exceptions
    1. Organizing Project Code
    2. Fixing Bugs
  20. Security, Logging, and Statistics
    1. Securing the Application Login
    2. Using Basic http Authorization to Implement a WebObjects Login Panel
    3. Logging in WebObjects
    4. Using Java Cryptography in WebObjects Applications
  21. SOAP and WebObjects
    1. Building a SOAP Service with WebObjects
    2. Integrating a SOAP Service into a WebObjects Application
  22. Reports, Charts, and New Interfaces
    1. Generating Print with WebObjects
    2. Data Visualization with WebObjects
    3. Developing New Interfaces with WebObjects: The PopIdol App
  23. Stress Testing and Deploying Applications
    1. Testing Deployment
    2. Stress Testing Applications
    3. Conclusion
  24. Troubleshooting Guide
    1. Building Applications
    2. Running Applications
  25. Developer Resources and Tools for WebObjects
    1. Developer Documentation
    2. Mailing Lists and Discussions
    3. Third-Party Developer Web Sites
    4. Examples and Source Code
  26. Index

Product information

  • Title: WebObjects® Developer's Guide
  • Author(s): Ravi Mendis
  • Release date: June 2002
  • Publisher(s): Sams
  • ISBN: 9780672323263