Chapter 1. System management: Technical overview 7
You can develop custom Java applications that use Java Management Extensions based
on the WebSphere application programming interface (API).
Command-line utilities
These administrative utilities help you manage your WebSphere Application Server
environment and include the following features:
– Called from a command line
– Can be used to perform common administrative tasks, such as starting and stopping
the application server and backing up the configuration
Command-line utilities work on local application servers, nodes, and the deployment
manager only.
The set of administrative tools that you employ ultimately depends on the size and complexity
of your runtime environment. The next sections of this publication address the multiple levels
of administration in WebSphere Application Server.
1.3 New features for administrators
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5 and V8.5.5 provide the following
enhanced capabilities to extend application development and deployment:
Support for Java 7
Java 6 is installed with the product and used by default. WebSphere Application Server
V8.5 provides optional support for the IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition
Version 7.0. This IBM software development kit (SDK) provides a full-function SDK for
Java that is compliant with Java SE 7 application programming interfaces. To use Java 7,
install IBM WebSphere SDK7.0 using IBM Installation Manager and then use the
managesdk tool to enable it.
Comprehensive programming model support
A wide variety of programming models are supported, providing greater flexibility and
improving developer productivity. The following programming models are enhanced in
WebSphere Application Server V8.5:
– Service Component Architecture (SCA): Support for several OASIS specifications
– Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGI): Support for Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)
assets in reusable bundles, plus a blueprint security update
– Web 2.0 and Mobile Toolkit support
WebSphere Batch
Use the enhanced features of WebSphere Batch to build robust batch applications for
performing lengthy bulk transaction processing and computation-intensive work.
Monitored directory
You can speed the process of installing, debugging, updating, and uninstalling applications
by dragging applications into the monitored directory. The following application file types
are supported:
– Enterprise archive (EAR)
– Web archive (WAR)
– Java archive (JAR)
– Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) archive (SAR)