Chapter 18. Clustering and high availability 703
To use this variable for load balancing:
Set the server_use_wlm_to_queue_work property to 0:
server_use_wlm_to_queue_work 0
Set the server_work_distribution_algorithm to 0, 1 or 2, based on one of the following
0 - Hot Thread: In this case, each new work request is assigned to the first servant that
has a thread available to process the request. If none of the servants have an available
thread, the request is queued into the global work queue that is shared by all servants.
The request is then selected from the global work queue when the next thread becomes
available, regardless of which servant owns that thread.
1- Round Robin: In this case, new work requests are distributed evenly across all
servants. If all of the servant threads are already processing other work requests, the new
request is added to the request queue for a specific servant. The queued request is then
selected when it becomes the top request in the queue and a thread becomes available in
that servant.
2 - Hot Robin: In this case, new work requests are distributed evenly across all servants. If
the assigned servant does not have a thread available to process the request, the request
is reassigned to another servant that has an available thread. If none of the servants have
an available thread, the new request is queued into the global work queue that all of the
servants share. The request is then selected from the global work queue when the next
thread becomes available, regardless of which servant owns that thread.
We set the environment variable, server_use_wlm_to_queue_work, to zero, which implies
that work load management has a minimal role to play. With this variable setting, WLM does
not start additional servants, although WLM will still classify the work.
This arrangement works for both stateful and stateless applications.
18.5 Additional resources
For more information about high availability, consult the following resources:
For more information about support for client reroute for applications that use DB2, go to
the following Information Center website:
To learn more about achieving node isolation with intermediate symbolic links, go to the
following website:
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