906 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
Figure 25-5 shows composites in an sca-contribution.xml file in an SCA domain.
Figure 25-5 SCA contribution
An SCA contribution is typically described in a contribution file, named sca-contribution.xml in
the META-INF directory. Example 25-1 shows the contribution file for the SupportFeeds
composition unit.
Example 25-1 Contribution file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<contribution xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0">
<deployable composite="ns1:SupportFeeds"
25.2 Preparing to use the sample application
The concepts in this chapter are illustrated using the RAD8AtomFeeds sample application,
which is included with Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V8
Programming Guide, SG24-7835.
25.2.1 Downloading the application
To download the sample application:
1. Go to the following website:
2. Click the Additional Material link.
3. Click the sg247835.zip file, and select Save to save the compressed file to your computer.
4. Extract the contents of the compressed file.
The SCA artifacts are in the 7835codesolution\sca directory.
SCA Domain
Chapter 25. Working with SCA applications 907
25.2.2 Importing the application to the development tool
To use the sample application for our exercise, import both files into IBM Rational Application
Developer by completing the following steps:
1. Start IBM Rational Application Developer.
2. To import the code, click File Import and then expand the General section. Select
Existing projects into workspace. Click Next.
3. Click Browse next to the Select Archive file field, and browse to the sca directory where
you extracted the sample code. Select the RAD8AtomFeeds.zip file, and click Open.
4. Click Select All to select all projects in the file. Click Finish. If you are prompted to migrate
the workspace, accept and complete the migration wizard.
25.2.3 Completing the service definition
The last action is to make sure the interface for the composite is complete by completing the
following steps:
1. Open the composite by double-clicking SCA 1.0 Content Composites
http://itso.rad.feeds SupportFeeds.
2. Click the Service icon (green arrow) in the AtomFeedFetcher component and then select
the Properties view.
3. Switch to (by clicking) the Interface tab and verify that the Interface is of type Java and
that it has the value com.ibm.itso.support.feeds.Fetcher. If not, correct the fields, and
save and close the composite.
These steps are illustrated in Figure 25-6.
Figure 25-6 Open the SupportFeeds composite

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