Chapter 29. Managing an environment with the centralized installation manager 1007
29.3.2 Accessing the centralized installation manager
You can access the centralized installation manager in WebSphere Application Server V8
releases from the following interfaces:
The job manager console
The deployment manager console
The AdminTask object from wsadmin
The console for the centralized installation manager tools is available under the Jobs menu
and is accessible from the job manager or deployment manager for WebSphere Application
Server V8 releases. Figure 29-2 shows the following menu options in the job manager or
deployment manager console:
Submit: Prepares and submits jobs to one or more targets.
Status: Displays a current status of submitted jobs.
Targets: Lists defined targets and allows you to create new targets.
Target resources: Lists target resources, which is useful when working with target groups.
Target groups: Lists and defines target groups.
Installation Manager installation kits: Configures the Installation Manager installation kit
Figure 29-2 Centralized installation manager Jobs menu
You can also work with the centralized installation manager using the command line. You can
use the AdminTask object by invoking it from the wsadmin script from the job manager or the
deployment manager host. Example 29-1 presents a Jython example of the AdminTask object
usage. In this example, a testConnection job type invokes the target to verify that the
connection between job manager or deployment manager and is active.
Example 29-1 AdminTask command used for connection test on WebSphere Application Server
AdminTask.submitJob('-jobType testConnection -targetList []' -username
admin -password admin)
29.4 Using centralized installation manager with prior releases
WebSphere Application Server V8 releases do not require IBM Update Installer or IBM
Installation Factory. However, it supports these products in case you plan to use Version 6.1
or Version 7 together with WebSphere Application Server Version 8 or above.
The following sections explain additional components that are used when managing Version
6.1 or Version 7 installations using WebSphere Application Server V8.5.