Chapter 30. System recovery 1065
The WebSphere Application Server also supports more complex recovery cases when in a
clustered environment, referred to as
transactional high availability. The high availability of
the transaction service enables any server in a cluster to recover the transactional work for
any other server in the same cluster. For more information about the high availability concept,
refer to chapter and section 15.3, “High availability and failover” on page 538.
30.4.1 Restarting an application server in recovery mode
When starting a server with the -recovery parameter after a failure, shown in Example 30-9,
the transaction service uses recovery logs to complete the recovery process. You must issue
the command from the profile_root/bin directory of the profile with which the server is
Example 30-9 Start server in recovery mode server1 -recovery
Using the additional -recovery parameter specifies that the server starts in the special
recovery mode. The special recovery mode engages the following actions:
Transactional resources complete the actions in their recovery logs. This action frees up
any resource locks that the application server held prior to the failure.
During the recovery period, only a subset of the application server functions are
accessible. The subset includes only those that are necessary for the transactional
recovery to proceed.
The application server does not accept transactions during recovery.
The application server shuts down when the recovery is complete.
30.4.2 Administering the transaction service
You can view or change settings for the transaction service and manage active and prepared
transactions. You can configure transaction properties to enable peer recovery of failed
application servers in a cluster. You can manage transaction logging to optimize the
availability of application servers. The following list describes the configurations that are
available and what they manage:
Configuring transaction properties for an application server
Change the location or default file size of the transaction log files, transaction timeout
properties, or heuristic-related properties.
Configuring transaction properties for peer recovery
Peer recovery for the transaction service enables servers in a cluster to complete
outstanding work for a failed cluster member. You can configure and manage the manual
and automated peer recovery.
Managing active and prepared transactions
In some circumstances, you might have to resolve a transaction manually:
– Manual transactions: Transactions awaiting administrative completion.
– Retry transactions: Transactions with some resources being retried.
– Heuristic transactions: Transactions that have completed heuristically.
– Imported prepared transactions: Transactions that are imported and prepared but not
yet committed.