118 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
4.5.8 Preparing the base z/OS operating system
After installing WebSphere Application Server, you must prepare the z/OS system. Because
of extensive use of underlying z/OS services for security, reliability, and performance,
consider performing the following tasks:
Prepare z/OS operating system settings
Prepare z/OS sysplex settings
Prepare the z/OS job entry subsystem (JES)
Set up Resource Recovery Services (RRS)
Set up Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)
Prepare TCP/IP
For IBM DB2® database, set up DB2 for concurrency control management
For the complete list of tasks to prepare z/OS target systems, visit the following website:
4.6 WebSphere Customization Toolbox
The WebSphere Customization Toolbox for WebSphere Application Server V8.5 includes
tools for managing, configuring, and migrating various parts of your WebSphere Application
Server environment. The WebSphere Customization Toolbox includes the following features:
Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool to configure web server plug-ins
Profile Management Tool (z/OS only) to generate jobs and instructions for creating profiles
(Intel-based Windows or Linux operating systems)
z/OS Migration Management Tool to generate definitions for migrating WebSphere
Application Server for z/OS profiles (Intel-based Windows or Linux operating systems)
For details about using the WebSphere Customization Toolbox, refer to Chapter 5, “Working
with profiles on z/OS systems” on page 121.
4.7 Troubleshooting
To diagnose an Installation Manager problem, go to the Installation Manager binaries location
and look into the config.ini file in the configuration directory. The following line in config.ini
gives the location of the runtime data (appdata):
The Installation Manager logs are in <appdata>/logs and are named <date>_<time>.xml.
These files are in ASCII. They can be viewed on a z/OS system, or you can download them in
binary, together with the log.xsl file, to view from a web browser on your workstation.
Be sure to verify that any target (product) file systems required for product installation are
present, mounted read/write, and have the correct ownership and permissions.
If Installation Manager reports insufficient space in a file system that you recognize as
belonging to Installation Manager or a product file system, you can add space as necessary.
If Installation Manager reports that more space is needed in the root file system (/) or some
other unexpected location, this probably means that a needed file system is not mounted.
Chapter 4. Installing WebSphere Application Server on z/OS systems 119
4.7.1 Error message overview
Error message IDs are composed of a prefix, a number, and a message type.
Examples of prefixes include:
CRIMA: IBM Installation Manager
CRIMC: Common messages shared by Installation Manager and IBM Packaging Utility
CRIMD: Installation Manager integration with IBM WebSphere Application Server
CRIMG: Packaging Utility
Example 4-20 shows a sample error message
Example 4-20 Prefix, number, and message type in an error message
CRIMA5096821AE ERROR: Error installing
4.7.2 Collecting Installation Manager information
The imutilsc exportInstallData command can be used to create a condensed file
containing a variety of critical Installation Manager information. Provide this file to the IBM
Support Center whenever you report an Installation Manager problem or defect.
120 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile

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