124 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
5.1.1 WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
The Profile Management tool provides support to generate jobs to create the following
WebSphere Application Server for z/OS environments:
Create a cell environment consisting of a deployment manager and a federated
application server.
Create a management environment, which can be either:
– A deployment manager
– A job manager
– An administrative agent
Create a stand-alone application server environment.
Create a managed (custom) node and federate the node into an existing cell.
Federate an application server.
5.1.2 WebSphere DMZ secure proxy server for z/OS
Using the DMZ secure proxy server for an IBM WebSphere Application Server installation,
you can install your proxy server in the DMZ, while reducing the security risk that might occur
if you choose to install an application server in the DMZ to host a proxy server. The risk is
reduced by removing any functionality from the application server that is not required to host
the proxy servers, but this reduction in security can also pose a security risk. Installing the
secure proxy server in the DMZ rather than the secured zone presents new security
challenges. However, the secure proxy server is equipped with capabilities to provide
protection from these challenges.
The Profile Management tool for WebSphere Application Server V8.5 provides support for the
following WebSphere DMZ secure proxy server for z/OS environments:
Generates the customization jobs to create an administrative agent for the secure proxy
Secure proxy
Generates the customization jobs to create a secure proxy server.
5.2 Getting started with the Profile Management tool
This section explains how to prepare and start the Profile Management tool. These steps are
common for any type of profile.
To start the Profile Management tool:
1. Start the WebSphere Customization Toolbox.
On Windows systems, click Start All Programs IBM WebSphere WebSphere
Customization Toolbox V8.5 WebSphere Customization Toolbox.
On Linux, click operating_system_menus_to_access_programs IBM
WebSphere WebSphere Customization Toolbox V8.5 WebSphere
Customization Toolbox.